Great testimonies are happening at Pentecostal Fire House Church here in Nigeria and many have had course to share their testimonies to the glory of God. Read a female member's testimony below:

A man paid my dowry in 1989, and traveled to the USA. He never called me again, and did not come back to Nigeria. We lost contact, in fact nobody knew his whereabouts.

I came to the Pentecostal Fire House Church and I met Pastor Tunde Awayinoluwa and narrated the whole story to him. He prayed for me and told me the man will call me on phone but I did not believe him. 

Pastor Tunde Awayinoluwa also told me that I will have a child in the marriage but I first laughed, because to me I did not know how it will happen...

To the glory of God and to my greatest surprise, the man called me in 2013 - 24 years after he paid my dowry. He came back in December 2013 and completed the marriage rites. 
I became pregnant and on the 10th of October 2014, I gave birth to a bouncing baby girl.


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