The 33-year-old was stabbed about 16 times in the upper region of her body by her 30-year-old partner, Lamar Davenport, close to her apartment building, Fox News reports.

ARREST: Lamar Davenport, 30, charged with murder for stabbing a 33y/o woman on 8/16. Call #800577TIPS to share crime info. @NYPD33Pct

— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) August 17, 2015

The incident occurred at about 3AM on West 162nd Street in Washington Heights, a neighborhood in Northern Manhattan.

Hines was 33 years old. Initially it was reported that Hines is Freeman's goddaughter, though technically she was actor's step-granddaughter. But he always referred to her as his granddaughter.

Reacting to the incident, Freeman said in a statement: 'The world will never know her artistry and talent, and how much she had to offer. Her friends and family were fortunate enough to have known what she meant as a person.'

'Her star will continue to shine bright in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. May she rest in peace.'

Responding to a 911 call from a witness, George Hudacko, the police got to Washington Heights and found E'dena's remains lying around the corner.

According to CNN, She was confirmed dead at Harlem Hospital.

There are no clear reasons as to whether there was an altercation or what led to the stabbing; but the Police have taken Davenport into legal custody.

He has been charged with second-degree murder, as well as taken to a health facility and examined for psychiatric troubles.

This comes on the heels of his actions.

Hudacko recounts that he saw the murder from his building, adding that Davenport yelled 'Get out, devils! I cast you out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out!' as he sliced her.

A year ago Morgan Freeman told in an interview that Barack Obama is not black enough. "They just conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white – very white American, Kansas, middle America," the Oscar winner explained. "There was no argument about who he is or what he is. America's first black president hasn't arisen yet. He's not America's first black president – he's America's first mixed-race president."

Despite that claim, three years ago Morgan Freeman donated $1 million to support Obama's re-election.


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