Following the directive of the management of the Cross River University of Technology to
revoke Staff claim to Boys
Quarters attached to them in the Calabar Campus of the Varsity by December 31, 2015, more staff have joined in querying the rationale behind it.
A cross section of the staff
resident in the staff quarters who
spoke with on
Saturday say it is unheard of and asked the Vice Chancellor,
Professor Owan Enoh to revert the decision.

The staff and their spouses who did not want their names in print say
"How do you want my junior staff in the office to come and stay with me? Is that logical? That is inviting trouble." said a senior lecturer who lives in the quarters.

"when we were a glorified
secondary school, we had light, pipe borne water and our roofs were not leaking and now that we have advanced, there is no light, no water and the little we use in helping ourselves he (Enoh)
comes to snatch it away?

"Let him focus on reclaiming the
lands CRUTECH has lost to
neighbouring villages due to the docile nature of the management"
said the spouse of a staff.

Another staff echoed same
sentiment saying
"let him clear these people out and build new quarters for junior staff.
Is it now he wants to show concern? Will he allow a junior staff live in his own Boys Quarters if he lived here in the quarters and look at the
timing, how do you expect
occupants to clear out and get a house by that time?" the staff queried.

Another averred that "Imagine a scenario where the junior staff throws water in the compound and the senior staff does not like it? It breeds disaffection, besides,
it is called Boys Quarters not junior staff apartments. Let him build new ones."
"It is illogical" added another.

It will be recalled that CRUTECH in a
circular signed by the registrar, Gabriel Beshel had directed staff to comply or their apartments will
be cancelled and re-assigned.


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