I am a lady that is days away from turning 30. I
am beautiful, intelligent, fun loving and smart.
My story has been a very interesting and sad
one... I was born with a deformity of not being
able to bear a child.

N.B. I have never done an abortion so please
don't think it's because of recklessness I have
damaged my womb. I have dated three guys,
two of whom I told about my situation.

I left the
third, I couldn't tell him because I was scared, so
I acted up and gave him attitude, then he left

I am currently engaged to a guy a friend hooked
me up with, that claims he loves me but I really
doubt it.

I told him about my situation and he
he made a huge proposal after I told him, and it
went viral, to show to the world how he loves

But here is the real deal, he doesn't show me he
cares. I am abused at the slightest opportunity.
Calling me names I have never been called.

cheats on me so much that it breaks my heart,
currently he is sleeping with the house-help
which he can't hide anymore . He even brings
some of his girls home and I just look and cry my
eyes out when am alone.

He makes me feel worthless. First of all I mustn't
talk to my friends when he is around if not he
gets jealous. He asked me to close up my
Facebook, Instagram, BlackBerry messages,
WhatsApp and delete all my contacts because
he doesn't want me talking to anyone…we don't
even go out as couple, he doesn't take me

I am not allowed to work anymore cos he said his
wife won't work. I had a very lucrative job back
in my country and he made me quit. I really do
not have much savings but I had 25,000 USD
which I have given to him on loan and I doubt if
he will ever pay .

My family back home depends
on me. I have been working my ass out to
support the family but I always had a lonely and
sad night… In my quest to find happiness I find
myself here. Now I can't support my family, I
don't even have a dime to my name and I'm in a
strange country with no one to talk to. I am even
too broke to go make my hair in the salon, I have
learnt how to make my hair myself now.

me that goes to the best salon back home,
wears the best clothes and now I have been
reduced to nothing.

Because I don't have anymore money to give to
him he sees me as a dull girl. That I am not
smart at all... I called home last month and the
last money I had was used to get me air ticket to
leave here after a very big fight... But after
finding out about it he begged me stay and I

His way of life I can't deal…he poses to be very
rich, which I really don't care if he is rich or
broke because I know I can survive without a
man's money. But he lives in debt around that I
am ashamed of moving around. We have been
arrested once because he was owing someone.

He lives a fake life and it breaks my heart
because I'm one of the realest girls you can

In a bid to cover up, once he gets little
money he shops for clothes and wrist watches
and gives people money to show off, without
even paying up some debts .

He doesn't want to go see my parents, he wants
to send money home for my bride price to be
done back home and we won't attend.

I have
always dreamt of been a bride, I am very
beautiful and I dream of how a beautiful bride I
will be.

Now what should I do? I feel so ashamed to even
go back home with no money attached to my

The stigma of getting engaged and
dumped? Or stay with this man that makes my
life unbearable? If I leave who will ever marry me
with my health issue? I hear lots of people say
marriage is not always blissful, is it always like
this? Should I stay and build this which I doubt
will work? If I stay, how do I cope with him
sleeping with househelps and everything under
skirts ...


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