The World's most feared Terrorist group, ISIS,
has issued an advice booklet for followers who
want to carry out "lone wolf" attacks similar to
the one that took place in Paris recently. The
booklet titled, "Safety and security guidelines for
lone wolf mujahideen and small cells" was initially
written in Arabic for Al Qaeda but it has now
been translated and re-released in English by

The book tells readers how to "surprise the
enemy" by evading security agencies.
"Any operation that doesn't have a strong
security and precaution base is deemed to
fail, just like a big building needs strong
foundations," it says. "Security
precautions are the foundations of any

It says that lone wolves in particular should try
and blend with the local population, including by
"not looking like a Muslim".
"That means shaving your beard, wearing
western clothes and not attending
mosque too frequently.

Always look like
any random tourist or normal traveller," it
says. "Make the colours go with each
other. Wearing a red or yellow shirt with
black pants (trousers) will get you noticed
as someone who is not used to this kind of

Also, no need to put on new
clothes, as that can be suspicious. Some
brothers like to buy entirely new cloths,
from top to bottom including shoes, but
that will get too much attention. Use
generic alcoholic perfume as everyone
does, and if you are a man, use perfume
for men.

Leave behind the prayer mat,
take some cash, and if you have fake
documents, make sure they have the
same name in them.

A lot of brothers have
been caught because of that, so try as
much as you can to have all your
documents bearing the same name: ID
card, passport, driver's licence."

Why the book is being released now by ISIL is
unclear but according to British Prime Minister
David Cameron, about 9 Terrorist attacks from
Isil last year were foiled by the British military
and police, meaning Isil is becoming aware of the
increased global watch and surveillance on it's
activities world wide.


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