The good done by politicians or political office holders vis-à-vis some aspiring individuals to the less privileged or the physically challenged members of the society is  oftentimes viewed with a lens of skepticism by me. However, good deed that is done to boosting the sagging morale, restoring dwindling hope, strengthening the weak and empowering  the handicapped is the type of community service worthy of emulation.

It is now a commonplace that the clique of street urchins (skolombo) or inner city's destitute is increasing astronomically in appalling consternation mostly in Calabar metropolis and its suburbs. This proportional increase is due to the increasing rate of out of school children flooding the streets on a daily basis since the cost of education is overtly high as a result of the biting economic crunch — thus, many parents and guardians find it quite difficult to either fend or afford the tuition charges of their children and wards.

Like many other children roaming about the streets, Bridget and her little sibling, Joseph, pupils of Gold Spice Best Academy, were seen loitering Ikot Uduak street that links Timber Market  at Akai Efa, Calabar Municipal, during school hours. As confirmed, Bridget and Joseph were not in school because they have been driven for not being able to pay school fees. But on that day, luck shone its light on them as Hon. Asuquo Ekpenyong, the southern senatorial candidate of the Cross River All Progressive Congress (APC) was on gully-site intervention inspection. Having his attention drawn to the predicament of these children by Mr. Stanley Boyce Nsemo, a candidate for the Calabar Municipal state constituency, Hon. Ekpenyong did the needful and the children have resumed school.
Someone asked how much is the school fee while we were chatting. Albeit, the amount is immaterial. What's consequential is the fact that the kids are back to school. Worthy of note is that these pupils were out of school over nonpayment of school fees/charges and now, the burden is off their shoulders and their further studies are assured.

The art of living entails being a good citizen. A good citizen does not shy away when called upon to help. He cares for the feelings of others and gives active aid whenever there is a need . Christ, our Lord and Saviour puts it thus: " Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Mr. Asuquo Ekpenyong has shown with his good deed that we should remember that other people have as much right to happiness and the good things of this world as we. He has demonstrated that we should try to bear one another's burdens by acts of helpfulness when the need arises.


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