I want to firstly, greet my Supporters, party faithfuls and believers of Justice.

The turn out of the Obudu/Obanliku/Bekwarra Federal Constituency, Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), primary which i fully participated in with high hopes, enthusiasm and  the backing of my teeming supporters across the Federal Constituency and beyond, has in no small way been disappointing to say the least.

As a loyal and committed party man, years and funds have been invested by myself into ensuring that the Party remains visible in the Federal constituency long before the return of some elements like Vena Ukem into the party.

We hoped and wished for a transparent process, but the State Chairman who had sworn never to witness my emergence as the party’s flagbearer, regardless of his knowledge of my capacity to deliver the election for PDP in 2023 fought tooth and nail against my ambition.

Barr. Vena Ikem, before and after the unfortunate incident at Obudu LGA where their plans to intimidate my delegates who were larger in number than that of his preferred aspirant, hurriedly hatched another series of plans to further ensure his choice emerges.

On the eve of the Primary in Calabar, he(Vena Ikem), called delegates and ward chairmen, loyal to me and threatened them to vote for his preferred choice or risk receiving their stipends that will be given by one of the governorship aspirants.

He went further to through his hatchet men, and Returning Officer for the said election, to mutilate the ballot papers by way of numbering them and assigning a specific number to each delegate in other to monitor their voting pattern in flagrant disregard for INEC guidelines.

Vena Ikem, in active connivance with Charles Eneji, Sen. Jarigbe’s liason Officer for Bekwarra, instructed delegates to vote for their preferred aspirant under the pretest of him being Jarigbe’s choice.

Unfortunately, the party in Obudu/Obanliku/Bekwarra Federal Constituency is heading to the rocks under the current leadership through its numerous wrong decisions in the State House of Assembly(Obudu) and the actions of the State Chairman in the Federal constituency primary.

I want to specially thank His Excellency, Sen. Liyel Imoke, for the leadership role he has played over the years to ensure that PDP remains a relevant entity. 

I also want to specially commend the 13 delegates that voted for me regardless of the intimidation, you're the true beacons of hope for our democracy. To The leader of Obanlikwu, Frank Adah, I must express with heavy heart the betrayal at the moment I needed you pepppe the most. I stood all out to protect you people and ended lots of enemies who worked against me in the process. 


The events of Yesterday, has sent me into deep thoughts and I've resolved to take time out to ponder on my next political move.

However, after consultation with members of my team, we have decided that

1- We will not remain in a Party where imposition, intimidation, political high handedness and poor leadership is the order of the day, especially in the character of Vena Ikem. An emperor style of being the only person who decides and never recognizes any leader in the federal constituency or state. 

3- We call on members of the Ela is Good Movement, to remain calm and prepare to join us as we take a new direction to where we are sure of a brighter future for all. Further direction will be given in the light to move to where we can actually express ourselves politically. 

I(Ela Ushie), cannot remain in a party that doesn't afford me the opportunity to express myself as a stakeholder, a party that the state Chairman takes sides openly against anyone he doesn't like instead of unifying members of the party regardless of interest.

The state Chairman must have had his way in the party but the General election is the real deal. Iam waiting at that junction for him. 

Thank You all for your Support and Trust.

Chief Ela Ushie(Snr)


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