My attention has been drawn to online reports credited to *Cross River Watch*, stating that i instructed the Director General of the Ela is Good 2023 Campaign Organization to retrieve car gifts and other items from the Bekwarra Chapter Chairman of PDP, Hon. David Obule due to the fall out of the Obudu/Obanliku/Bekwarra Federal Constituency PDP Primary. Let it be known that there was never any free and fair election to loss to, not one which was held filled of threats by one who was suppose to be an umpire to delegates with series of instruction and direction for their preferred aspirant. So I can safely say, elections were concluded by PDP’s state party chairman before the day. 

Members of the general public are advised to kindly disregard such rumours as regards retrieving vehicle gifts as i never gave out any instruction of such.

Any supporter engaging in such act is doing so in his/her own volition without my backing. Everyone who knows me, knows I give out of free will. Weather we run election or not, in fact I still intend to give out more cars to supporters and those who stood with me. Ela is good, and always will remain good. 

I have since moved on and left all those who betrayed my trust to their fate,  although will not so much blame them, as there were under serious threats by some party leaders. I however leave them to their consciences and their God.

Whatever i gave to anyone was out of freewill and i will not take back so they are free to keep the gifts.

Chief Ela Ushie(Snr)


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