1. Acknowledge your creator:
Let your creator be your guide and decision
maker,Read religious books to strengthen
your faith and believe in him to help you in
times of need.

Your Yes should be Yes and your No should be
Your 1000 should be 1000 not even 999.5 or
Your sincerity would get people to trust you
more and bring you good reputation

3.No to Greediness
Do not in the quest to make more money lose
the ones you have .
Especially those that would want to use #
3000 to get #50,000 and use #10,000 to get
#400,000 . Even Dangote didn't start like

4.Learn to Save and set Target:
Even if the money comes in bit by bit or in
full. Save immediately irrespective of the
amount and set Target amount to be saved
monthly or weekly to save and work to
achieve them.

5 .Spend Wisely:
Not every latest device should be purchased,
do not spend your money in a way to impress,
always spend on what has value and
durability and on something that you would
see and be proud of.

6 . Work harder and stop Procrastination
When ever you have the urge to
procrastinate,work hard to accomplish that
task and you would be glad later on you did.
Work hard,play, sleep and eat when

7 . Owe less Lend out Less.
That moment you think you owe less and you
total the amount you owe different people you
would realise you are actually RICH
We ought to help each other when in need
but do with care not all who promise to pay
back would do.
In summary Borrow what you won't have
difficulty paying back and Lend out what
you can Forfeit

8 .Avoid Distraction and Unnecessary
Examples like Opposite sex, alcohol, clubbing,
boasting,attention seeking etc
They are necessary activities that should be
done once in a lifetime ,but they should be
done when financially stable.
They might be tempting and calling but the
Ability to Overcome them makes you a Great

9 . Dream Big and Be Determined:
Dream big ,yes very Bigdreams . Dream of you
having that company,having your own
workers, your own car,mansion, family, kids
Then after your dream your Determination
and Hard work would help you achieve those
No food for Lazy Man

10 . Be Prepared for Unforseen
circumstances and have PLAN-B standby
We are not perfect and that is what makes us
Humans. Our plans should be carefully set out
and every areas touched and PLAN-B set aside
coupled with preparation for Unforseen
Many upcoming Entrepreneurs Omit this and
it cause them some setbacks and

11 .Learn and Seek more Information.
Never stop learning about your area of work
,Google is your friend,meet professionals on
the field,ask questions,after digesting every
info and embark on any project be sure of
success and less error.

12. Have a Mentor and Role Model.
Have that Role model you would always look
up to that would give you 1001 reasons never
to give up.
Have a worthy Mentor you can run to at any
time when ever you need information, who is
also ready to guide you to make your Success
his Joy.

13. Learn more Trades.
Doctor,Lawyer,Engineer,Dentist etc that are
fixed to one field of work for a Lifetime.
When ever you have that Spare time,Utilize it
and learn more Trades and attach them to
your existing trade. Be it Blogging,Mini-
importation,PLAN-B,Forex, Biogas, BulkSmS
Even those White collar worker have PLAN-B

14. Health is Wealth.
In the quest to make more money you should
not ignore your Health.
Note: When your health is down your business
goes down. When you are in good health you
acquire more wealth.

15.Thites and Charity Donations.
To whom much is given much is expected.
After achieving your goals and plans do not
forget to appreciate your creator.
Helping those in need of donations and
visitation even if you know them or not.
The Blessing is Divine!


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