Read the president's Christmas message below..
I felicitate with all Nigerians, especially our
Christian brothers and sisters, on the joyous
occasion of this year's Christmas. On this
occasion of the commemoration of the birth
of Jesus Christ, let us all rededicate
ourselves to the virtues of peace, love,
honesty, justice, equity, piety, humility and
service to others which he taught.
There can be no doubt that a greater
manifestation of these virtues and ideals in our
lives will immensely help us to become a more
united, peaceful, secure and progressive nation.
Let us also reach out in love and compassion to
fellow Nigerians who are in distress at this period
of our nation's history.
I particularly urge you all to remember victims of
terrorism and insurgency in the country,
especially Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
The Federal Government will continue to
collaborate with state governments and other
stakeholders to ease the harsh conditions in IDP
camps, while the ultimate objective remains to
quickly put an end to insurgency and return the
IDPs to their homes.
We must never again allow any group to hold the
nation to ransom under whatever guise.
Let us also not allow current socio-economic and
security challenges to dampen our expectations
for a better Nigeria.
This administration has taken a number of
measures to restore hope to our people. The 2016
Budget defines our commitment to giving Nigeria
a new lease of life.
Our change slogan is not a campaign gimmick
but a promise that must be kept. We are
determined to bring about tangible changes in
the lives of our people.
In this regard, efforts will be intensified to recover
stolen funds, block revenue leakages and
enthrone due process, transparency and
Public office is a public trust that must be held to
the highest ethical standards.
I wish all Nigerians a Merry Christmas.
Please drive carefully.


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