A female suicide bomber attacked the home of a
village head, Bulama Isa in Maiduguri yesterday
evening, killing his three wives and their 10
children yesterday December 27th. The incident
happened as Boko haram members engaged the
Nigerian troops in a gun battle earlier yesterday
Eyewitnesses say the woman pretended Boko
Haram was chasing her, as she ran into the
compound of the village head.
"She ran into Bulama Isa's compound
shouting 'Boko Haram, Boko Haram. When
the families of Isa all came out of their
rooms to meet the woman in the center of
their compound, the woman simply
detonated the bomb she had under her
garment killing the man his three wives
and ten children" a witness said
Bulama Isa who had not returned home yet at
the time his home came under attack managed
to survive another suicide attack at the entrance
of his home. Sources said another female suicide
who was lurking in the dark as the grief struck
head of the family walked into his attacked
compound, jumped out and detonated herself:
but the village head was lucky again.
He was able to escape with minor injury, but the
blast had succeeded in killing a woman with her


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