In his first message to the public in the last 7
months, ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has
warned Western countries and Israel to expect
imminent attacks and also warned "crusaders"
not to dare fight on his turf.
According to CNN, Israeli Military officials are not
taking the video too seriously because they
believe ISIS doesn't have much of a stronghold in
the country plus the exact date of the video
shoot is unclear. al-Baghdadi called on Saudi
citizens to 'rise up against the apostate tyrants,
and avenge their people in Syria, Iraq, and
''Jews ,soon you shall hear from us in
Palestine,which will become your grave. The Jews
thought we forgot Palestine and that they had
distracted us from it,Not at allJews. We did not
forget Palestine for a moment, with the help of
Allah we will not forget it,The pioneers of the
jihadist fighters will surround you on a day that
you think is distant and we know is close. We are
getting closer every day."
"Crusaders and Jews don't dare to come on the
ground because they were defeated in Iraq and
Afghanistan," he said in the statement released
through an Isil-run internet account.
'And soon, soon with God's permission, you will
hear the footsteps of the mujahideen... We are
getting closer to you day by day,'
''They announced lately a coalition... falsely called
'Islamic,' and announced its goal is to fight the
caliphate,' said Baghdadi in the recording
circulating among pro-IS Twitter users.
'If this coalition were Islamic, it would have
announced victory and aid to the people of
On Saturday, ISIS suffered a major blow after a
US-backed alliance of Syrian Kurds and Arab
rebel groups, backed by coalition planes,
captured a dam from its fighters, cutting a main
supply route of the militants.
No one has heard from the Terrorist leader in 7
months ever since a U.S coordinated attack had
reportedly injured him and he is thought to
constantly move between Isil's strongholds of
Raqqa, northeastern Syria, and Mosul, in Iraq, in
a bid to avoid airstrikes.


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